viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2020

To be smart now is to be light.

To be smart now is to be light 

Hey, I am looking for very smart people, but... what is smart right now?  Is to be a fancy person, or probably, to be humble, that means... to be light.  


Fancy or light, what is more smart?  


Toastmaster, members and guests, smart people in this place!


What's better on this new reality, to be fancy or to be light?


Well, I use to be fancy, yes, I remember, when I was at highschool, until that time, I wanted to go on a date with hot chics.  


And there is something that catch my attention too much... a friend of mine of the same classroom said to me... -hot chics likes fancy cars-.


That statement put me on the line of get a car.  So, I ask to my father, - could you please lend me one car, I have a date- 


-Of course my son, take the red car- 


And my father lend me this magnificent car... well, not too fancy car, but nice to went to the cinema, can you remember that Mireya? Oh Mireya, what a sweet girl.


And then, my parents change this car for another, I began to drive this white car, not too fancy, again, but what wonderful moment on that car... you remember that Lala, oh Lala, so smart and beauty girl.


And I wanted more, I began to drive this new parent's car on the beggining of this century, nice car the Ford Topaz, hey Rubby, can you remember that special ride at Lago de Guadalupe?  Oh, so great.


And all of that moment were great, but I wanted more, more and better things in my life, and the car is the biggest more important thing to me, because is not only the car, the car is a part of you, is the extention of your personality.


So, I began to work hard, in order to have my first own car, and I get my special, Hikari EGI Turbo Coupe, oh, thank you Nissan! my recognition for Japan, what a great brand is Nissan.


I put a name to this car... EGILDO.  Oh, Sthephanie, Rachel, Zayra, Elisa, Isabela, all my girlfriends... in diferents moments, of course, but, I wanted more.


And I put my life in order to have my next fancy car, and I get it, my special, champion, so powerful... Seat Leon Turbo, a real lion! And the name for this racing car was Leoncio.


So great experiences, fabulous adventures with Mayely, Minerva, Male, Wendy, Rita, Daniela, Andy, Gaby, well, I need to say Gabys, what a good name for a woman... Gaby.


And my last love, Isabel, my exgirlfriend.


Since 2017, on that year, I was short of cash.  Yes, all my fancy things started to cost more.  And thinks started to get slow at work, because we started to loose clients.


And I need to sell many of my fancy things, with deep sorrow in my heart, I sold my Leoncio car.


I started to have less things, less work, less oportunitys, I started to use my smart ticket, this ticket.


And then... the confinement of this 2020, I had to leave the apartment because I couldn't pay for rent. 


And I had to move in with parents, I am the mama´s boy, again, without fancy things.


And yes, I began to be on a relationship... with me, myself, my soul.


During the pandemic, I took advantage of this time, to practice my spirituality.


During lock down I started to write more on my journal, to read more, to improve my eating habits, I started to increase my physical exercise.


In the past I wanted to own fancy things, and now is better to be light.


So, what is your preference? What's to be smart today? To be fancy or to be light?


See inside of you, and you will look the answer, be your own light in order to be light for others.

